Are You Frustrated By The Fact That It Seems Like Everybody Else Can Get Everything Done But You Seem To Be Drowning?
I know it sounds crazy because you're probably even doubting it can even happen, because despite the fact that you want to have a productive life you also might think it is just not meant to be.... which is holding you back.
And with all that going on in your head, Getting $#!T Done seems like a pipe dream at this point.
Hi, I'm Sue Josephson and I know exactly how you feel because I went through the same struggles you're going through right now.
I felt the same way for years, I was reading all these books, and trying all these different approaches to work out how to fit it all in and stay sane.
It felt like I was on a roller coaster, and it was so darn stressful…
But then I found the secret and it changed my life forever!
So right now, I'm going to share with you EXACTLY how YOU can Get $#!T Done in just 5 days …
Now, I know what you're thinking...
"But Sue, I've wasted time and money on productivity books / products / courses, and they didn't do a thing."
or "I just don't know where to start."
or "I've tried a bunch of productivity stuff before, and nothing worked."
I know all you want to know is, “How the heck do I actually know where to begin, so I Get $#!T Done and finally feel in control of my life?"
The simple system I have created leads to a productive life in just 5 days!
It's called "Getting $#!T Done" and it was specifically designed for women who want to manage their task lists and finally GET $#!T DONE!!
A few years ago, I was in your exact same situation, always busy and seemingly nothing to show for it...but then I worked out how to Get $#!T Done and it changed everything.
I’ve broken the entire how to Get $#!T Done process down for you 1 step at a time...
That means, with the Getting $#!T Done course, you're able to know where to begin, know that it is possible and not a pipe-dream, and start feeling better about life easier, faster, and with more confidence than you could any other way!
Course curriculum
Day 1
- Day 1 – Clearing the Decks
- Day 1 - Workbook
- Wrap up
Day 2
- Day 2– Goals
- Day 2 -Workbook
- Wrap Up
Day 3
- Day 3 – Dealing with Time Thieves
- Day 3 - Workbook
- Wrap Up
Day 4
- Day 4 – Time for Continued Action
- Day 4 - Workbook
- Wrap Up
Day 5
- Day 5 – Productivity Practice
- Day 5 - Workbook
- Wrap Up
Download the Text Version of this Course
- All in One Work Book